Saturday, July 7, 2012

Path to happiness

Note that the title does not say path OF happiness, therefore do not try to find the definition of happiness nor the requirements of it. You should read about it from my earlier post. I, of course cannot force you, my dear reader, for anything, but take it as a friendly suggestion.

Now, that you know how I define happiness, we may continue. Since now I have only described the path of happiness theoretically, giving no clues or examples of how could we see it in our everyday life. I will try to give some guidelines that have worked for me. I will not promise that they will also work in your case, but as there is the possibility then the least I can do is try.

As I am writing this, I feel myself quite near to the true happiness. The feeling will probably be long gone by the time you read it, but I am giving you heads up in case you find the following too optimistic and naive. So, having proved before that reaching true happiness is quite impossible, then how could I be feeling it right now? It is actually quite simple - all you need is warm day, a hammock, a music player and an activity. Sounds a bit too easy? The thing is that it's all I need to forget that I have any needs at all. For the moment, for me, there is no world apart from my small reality of two trees and a hammock. By reaching such state one can feel almost truly happy. Of course there are other ways of reaching the state like for example good books, MMORPGs and alcohol. But one of the most important aspects is the isolation and not only mental but also physical. At the moment, I for example am in the middle of nowhere, next to nothing, which is crucial to hold my little sanctuary together.

Previously described method is good for understanding the meaning of true happiness, but it is something one shouldn't cling on to for too long. It is because the outer reality still exists and sooner or later you have to return to it. If we only could somehow prolong and maintain these moments for a lifetime. Perhaps like they did in the Matrix?

Coming back to reality, then the real moodkiller for me are all kinds of problems. Having a problem troubling my mind is one of the worst kind of feelings I know. Unfortunately, problems stay until they are solved. We can forget about them for a time, but as soon as the effect wears off they are back to make us miserable. Therefore we need a strategy to get rid of them. I imagine a problem as a dark hole filled with angry little goblins screaming and swearing so one cannot ignore them. Some people prefer to sneak around the hole, scheming and waiting for the opportunity to kill some of the nasty goblins. I, on the other hand dislike this kind of action, therefore I jump right into the hole killing anything coming for me. The advantage of my strategy is the time, it is hell of a lot faster, but the damage is also greater, which may require some time to heal from. But as I believe myself to be stronger than any problem I happen to face, my method always works and helps me go on with my life. Still, what I have learned lately is that fighting the problem-goblins may sometimes take time and then I can allow myself to rest a bit and continue as soon as possible. Additionally, for me the first method is exceptionally nasty when you happen to be the source of someones problem. As I am still promoting my method of dealing with problems, then I assure you that whoever you are, you are always stronger than any group of problem-goblins you happen to face. If you are still unsure, grab a friend and jump the hole together if possible.

I hope you found something that could help you make your life happier. Things described above have helped me on my path to happiness, so I am hoping that they can pave the path for others, too. Have fun finding a sanctuary of your own and never lose faith that you are, indeed, strong.

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