Sunday, May 27, 2012

Movie review: The Avengers

Before seeing this movie, I decided to get familiar with its main characters: Thor, Hulk, Iron Man and Captain America by watching the newest movie of each individual hero. After I had seen those I was sure of one thing: they either nerf Thor and Hulk or Captain America will look like a complete wuss in the Avengers.
Well, they did both - Thor was nerfed to a puny demigod, which was even mentioned during the film even though he is a god and... Captain America was more of a wuss than I dared to imagine. I was wrong of one thing - they made Hulk stronger, much stronger than he should have been. I perhaps might forgive them messing with an epic myth of Thor by making him a hero of the USA, but they should have been consistent with power levels which they defined.

Movie overall was actually quite humorous, more like a comedy than a normal super hero movie. It was fun to watch totally helpless Captain America or the complete inconsistency in the characters' nature. Of course it had enormous amount of special effects, which I don't mind when I'm watching a non-thoughticious movie, but it lacked the imagination I had seen before in other Marvel movies. The plot was quite predictable, but as I mentioned I wasn't hoping for anything thoughticious anyway. All in all, another example of the egoism of the USA, the country which will always stand between the bad guys and world's end.

PS: I still decided that I'm not going to forgive them the way they took an epic Scandinavian legend and dragged it into mud. Old Scandinavians believed into something much bigger than a weakling with hammer and cape.

1 comment:

    Americans lost the real plot a long time ago.
