Monday, May 28, 2012

The boy who did not want to get a medal

Last few months I have been battling against my class teacher on whether I should, or should not get the silver medal, awarded to those who have worked diligently throughout three years. Strangely enough I am on the side who thinks that I should not get the medal. I may have lost a battle or two meanwhile, but in the end I think I won the war. Today they threw their main force at me, using different teachers and techniques, even cheap shots like using my conscience.

Why do I resist then? To put it simply: I haven't got a good answer for a simple question - Why should I? There is no use of couple of grams of Mendelejev's 47th element for me. Neither do I need it for future studies nor do I feel the need inside. Quite opposite actually, deep inside I feel that it is not right for me to get this medal, is it because I think I don't deserve it or just the laziness to do something for it, it doesn't matter - I just don't want it. Later another reason rose, when it became an opposition between me and my teachers - I had to stand up for myself and for what I believe in, even if it was just for the heck of it.

Today I think they had their last chance at me, they have to make some decisions or something today. If they won't give me the medal, then I'm glad of winning and staying true to what I believe, if they still give me the silver medal, well... I will have one hell of a laugh. Whatever happens, I'll be glad to be remembered as the boy who did not want to get a medal.

This was more of a part of my life than something really thoughticious, but I still felt that it had to be said.

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