Sunday, June 3, 2012

Word limit

Here's another wild idea of mine. You could also call it thought experiment. Well, try to picture a world, where every man and woman has a limited amount of words. The exactly right amount would be hard to tell, but it is not important at the moment either. Just that everyone can say only limited amount of words during one day and the ones that were left unused won't be transferred over to the next day. One more important aspect is that the daily amount is tradable as a normal currency.

The trading of these words would perfectly reflect the dependence one has of another. The more words you got, the more important you are, because you represent somebody else, using the words that they gave you. For example, whenever you elect a politician to the government you would have to pay a certain amount of words, because he must represent you in places, where you aren't able to go. Also, when a child is born,  he will not get the whole amount right away, but only a fraction of it, rest is given to the mother and father, who at the early years of the child are responsible and have to make decisions on his behalf. As the child grows up he gains more and more words, until he becomes a grown-up and receives the full amount and the ability to buy and sell words. The words have no meaning anyway until one is responsible of them.

By buying and selling of words, one might run completely out of his daily amount. That is quite normal, because every society has members whose words are not important and therefore not needed to be said, or if everything is already said for him. I imagine that our superstars and -models would have quite a few words to say for a day, because they would have to give them to the countless managers, producers or stylists. The ones with a huge amount of words would be definitely the politicians, who need them to dispute matters or hold speeches. The larger the amount of words one has the more responsibility he has to use the words given to him wisely and without wasting, but having more words means more freedom.

How much would this world differ from the one we live in today? Well for certain we could see quite clearly, who is depending on who and the actual leaders of our life. Also, the world would become quite laconic, without any useless blabbering, because everyone would have to think before whether the situation is worth wasting any words or not. New language with shorter forms could be invented, again, to save the amount of words used. Everything people say would have more meaning due to the thinking before saying, but a lot quiter and perhaps more boring, who knows.

This one is really thoughticious for me and I can still see lots of room for development. This is just the definition of the idea. The further development is up to anyone who sees it worthy and has the time to spare.

1 comment:

  1. Twitter as a currency, aging as 'leveling up'? Sounds fun.

    Reminds me of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, there was a race of quiet beings. The other species found it impolite and punished the quiet race with telepathy - as soon as they stopped talking they could hear the thoughts of everyone around them, they could not control it. It would drive them crazy so they were forced to talk about the weather.
