Thursday, February 21, 2013

Of tools and men

A year ago when I was graduating high school, during my English exam warm-up phase my teacher asked me whether internet is a rather good or bad invention. I answered that internet is a wonderful thing and it is for the good of mankind to have it. Since we had discussed the dangers of internet during previous lessons, my answer surprised him. But it was due to lack of time, that I couldn't express myself thoroughly. What I would have said is that internet itself is just a tool and its qualities depend on people using it. Exactly as a knife can be used in making a delicious meal or become a murder weapon. It depends on the person using it.

For me it's the tools we use and brain involved in manufacturing that separate us from other animals. We have various tools for just about everything. The main reason we have those is to make our actions more effective so that every minute spent gives us larger payoff. Some may see it as becoming lazier and lazier until we become the people shown in the movie "WALL-E". Unfortunately this is partly true, also. Still, I see tools as a way of getting more done with the time given to us. It takes less time to move around, so we see more world around us. We can build bigger buildings quicker than we used to. Now, some may point to the great pyramids of Giza and say that nowadays something like that can't and won't be built. I don't believe it and if I am ever going to be rich enough, I'll prove those people wrong. That's a promise. Until then, though, we have to be content with skyscrapers and mansions. The rule, however, stays that with the same amount of time we get a lot more done and seen.

Since now I have plenty of time I get to take a glimpse to the possible shadowy future that may await us and our mighty tools. The way we evolve to be more effective also means that every action we take has bigger consequences. For example: Stone age hunter had to go through a lot of work to get near the prey and throw a spear but now we can use our powerful guns and optical sights to do the same thing without breaking a sweat. But accidents happen and when our African Bushman sneaks slowly and needs time to prepare for the throw then seldom during a hunt does he throw his spear into the back of his fellow tribesman. But during an average American hunting season things like that happen. A lot. It's the same situation whether you bump into someone with your shoulder or with a speeding and fully loaded truck. Only some pushes of buttons can eradicate human species. That is essentially why we have the saying: "With great power comes great responsibility." But what happens when humans get hold of such power that they can't possibly be responsible of, like for example Matrix?

As we look our world as it really is then we see, that the increased effectiveness and power is used to transform natural resources into trash with exponentially growing speed. It is quite worrying. Unfortunately, there is practically nothing that one man could do, since a collective action is required due to the selfish nature of man.

I consider myself to be an optimist and I believe that one day we can turn this down-slope progress around and take the best out of the tools we have. Until then we should be a bit more like jolly Bushman and less like a Texas redneck.